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작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 운영자 날 짜 2018-11-22 조 회 25603
제 목  코란도스포츠렉카

공구통및 부분 스티커밤 랩핑

이 름 Robin 비밀번호
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Chéreau’s staging of Offenbach’s The Tales of Hoffman at the Paris Opéra in 1974 drew boos and cheers in equal measure as he did away with the work’s traditional romantic ideals; instead of depicting Hoffman (Nicolai Gedda) as a sensitive poet for whom love is beyond reach, Chéreau cast him as a drunken loser. He returned to English drama in 1975 with a macabre production of Edward Bond’s rewriting of King Lear at the Théâtre National Populaire in Villeurbanne. Explaining his dark outlook, he said: “Just as some people feed on hope, I feed on despair. For me it is a spur to action.”
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