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작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 운영자 날 짜 2018-03-06 조 회 32176
제 목  크루즈

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When, in his next scheduled at-bat, in the eighth inning, Jeter was nowhere to be seen in the Yankee dugout and Brett Gardner, who was on the bench because of his own right lower leg injury, was sent up to pinch-hit, you could almost hear the collective “uh-oh” throughout the Stadium. Maybe it was because he’d gotten only 2½ hours’ sleep after driving back from Scranton Wilkes-Barre to New York in the wee hours Thursday, but Jeter seemed to have an air of resignation about him as he addressed the media afterward, detailing the strained quad he had suffered, apparently after his third at-bat. He had undergone an MRI, the results of which weren’t known yet, and whether his return to action will be short-lived was uncertain.
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