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작업 후기(제목클릭)

작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 스티커마트 날 짜 2017-07-18 조 회 34305
제 목  아반떼AD

울산에 위치한 오토세븐 업체 데칼 시공


이 름 Burto 비밀번호
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“We are aware of many of the items for sale online that have been autographed by several of our student-athletes with remaining eligibility. As we are required to do by NCAA rules, we regularly review these items and send correspondence to the seller(s) requesting they remove the item for sale,” the school said in a statement. “We have and continue to educate our student-athletes that it is not permissible to accept any type of compensation for their autograph or the sale of memorabilia. We have spoken with Teddy Bridgewater and we are comfortable that no violation has occurred.”
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EQ900 [1491]
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