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작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 스티커마트 날 짜 2017-03-11 조 회 25868
제 목  I40 그릴 랩핑

I40 그릴 랩핑
이 름 David 비밀번호
댓 글 I'm on business http://www.kodiakmetalworks.com/stmap_24wriwom.html?erectzan.viagra.mevacor ibuprofene 400 mal de tete This second reason essentially takes the “team player” argument past its breaking point, to the point at which the Obama team is basically saying “Yellen needs to share our biggest weaknesses.” Sometimes crises move so fast that policymakers have no choice but to make decisions on the fly; when that happens, however, the decisions often turn out to be pretty bad. The story of the European crisis is full of such episodes, but for a domestic example, look no further than the image of Tim Geithner, at the New York Fed, doing his best deranged-Yentl impression as he desperately tries to engineer improbable mergers between Lehman and Barclays, or Citi and Goldman, or just about anybody and just about anybody else. The bankers, to their credit, managed to stand up to the pressure from their primary regulator — but even Geithner would admit that this was not his finest hour. This is not really a criticism of Geithner — we all make bad decisions when we haven’t had remotely enough sleep and we’re extremely stressed. But it’s ridiculous to think that a more deliberative approach is in any way inferior.
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