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작업 후기(제목클릭)

작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 스티커마트 날 짜 2016-03-23 조 회 18400
제 목  제로모터스

제로모터스 팀 데칼
이 름 Evere 비밀번호
댓 글 A packet of envelopes https://www.otrprestige.com/stmap_19tvhbhk.html?viagra.sparfloxacin.ursodeoxycholic.spiriva ibuprofeno gotas por kg The app, which functions as an integral part of Bjork’s Biophilia Educational Program, a series of workshopsshe created for kids to learn about  science, art, music, and technology and held around the world, is one large app containing separate sub-apps that correspond to a song on the album, such as “Crystalline” or “Moon.” Each individual app provides interactive games, music, and art and is designed to inspire  users to explore the universe and its physical forces. Users can interact with the music, learn about it, and create their own version. For example, once you open “Thunderbolt, “ a song  designed to explore the time between when lightning strikes and when thunder is heard through its use of arpeggios, you can spread two fingers apart to see lightening zip between your fingers. The further apart you spread your fingers, the more notes the app plays. Each of the apps explores the themes behind the songs and provide essays explaining Bjork’s inspiration.
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