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작업 후기(제목클릭)
작성자 스티커마트 날 짜 2014-04-30 조 회 13331
제 목  삼성에니카

이 름 Marti 비밀번호
댓 글 Through friends http://twinforms.com/products/index.php/stmap_82bocxge.html?levitra.rizatriptan.piracetam imiquimod ecuador ElBaradei is a shameless man hungry for chair. Fallen dictator & mentor of ElBaradei nominated him to chair IAEA which was supported by US. They wanted a man to listen ‘His Master’s Voice’. He was the main architect of this coup keeping liaison with despotic Kings & Sheikhs of GCC. Gen. Sisi the traitor trusted him most. Help from Saudi Arabia, UAE & then Kuwait came immediately confirming views expressed by many quarters that coup was plotted many weeks before which went unnoticed by Dr. Morsi as almost all of the establishments headed by Mubarak era personnel betrayed Dr. Mursi along with Gen. Sisi. Let us see how things go now. As ElBaradei is not very happy with his position as he sought top position of Presidency, he may try to foil everything to teach Sisi a good lesson.
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